Parent Update | 14th December 2023

A female student using a Chromebook in a lesson

Dear Parents,

What a wonderful, Christmassy week this has been! Every child at Horsmonden has taken part in one of our Christmas performances: EYFS Nativity, KS2 Carol Service or KS1 Nativity. Watching the performances is always a special time, full of laughter and joy, with this year being no exception. The EYFS Nativity was a particular highlight for me where the children performed with such confidence and character!

Everyone involved puts a huge amount of time and effort into the productions to ensure performances go as planned and are enjoyed by all. Without the support and dedication of the staff involved, they would not be possible. Thank you teachers and TAs for everything you’ve done this term to help the children shine!

St. Margaret’s Church Christmas Tree Festival – 14th to 17th December 2023

FoHPS have a Christmas Tree on display at the Church Christmas Tree Festival this year which has been lovingly decorated by the children. Please see the flyer for more details.


Dave, the most amazing caretaker we’ve ever had, is retiring and we are all going to miss him hugely! He has been a real asset to Horsmonden and has been instrumental in transforming the school into what you see today. On behalf of everyone here, I would like to say a huge thank you for everything Dave has done and wish him a happy retirement in his allotment!

As sad as I am that Dave is leaving us, I am pleased that the Trust has quickly found a replacement caretaker, Chris Murkin, who has been working alongside Dave this week.

Miss Foord will be starting her maternity leave towards the end of January and I’m delighted to inform you that Mrs Lovelace will be starting on Wednesday 3rd January. There will be a substantial handover where Miss Foord and Mrs Lovelace will work together with the children before Miss Foord leaves.

To increase the capacity of our staff team, I am pleased to share that I have recruited 2 new Teaching Assistants, Miss Pitchford and Mrs Smith. Miss Pitchford has already joined us, part time, in EYFS and Mrs Smith will start, full time, after Christmas in Year 2.

Clubs for Term 3

The clubs for next term have now been finalised and will start the first full week back. Clubs cost £3.00 per session and must be paid for as a block, in advance through MCAS. Clubs will open for booking on MCAS at 8am on Wednesday 3rd January and will close for bookings at 11am on Friday 5th January. Please ensure you book your child onto their chosen club during this time to avoid disappointment.

For parent run clubs please contact Mr Bodle and Mrs O’Malley directly from Wednesday 3rd January onwards.

8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th January & 5th February

  • STEM Club with Miss Card and Mrs Stockbridge (All Years)
  • Forest School with Mrs Radford and Mrs Turvey (Years 3-6)

9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th January & 6th February

  • KS2 Art Club with Mrs O’Malley (Parent, Years 3-6)
  • Netball Club with Mrs Sharp (Years 3-6)
  • Football Five Star (EYFS, Year 1, Year 2 & KS2 Girls)
  • French Club with Miss Fisk (Years 1-6)

10th, 17th, 24th, 31st January & 7th February

  • KS2 Football Five Star (Years 3-6)
  • KS1 Art Club with Mrs O’Malley (Parent, Years 1 & 2)

11th, 18th, 25th January & 1st, 8th February

  • Scratch Club (Computing) with Mrs McLeish (Years 3-6)
  • Gardening Club with Mrs Huby (Years 3-6)
  • Story Explorers with Miss McCulloch (EYFS, Years 1 & 2)

FoHPS Update

What a great start our new FoHPS Team have had this academic year! Thank you to the whole team for giving up your time and supporting the children of Horsmonden. Please see the attached flyer for details of their Autumn Fundraising.

As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to find me at the gate in the morning or afternoon, or alternatively, make an appointment via the school office.

Have a lovely Christmas and I look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 3rd January 2024!

Kind Regards,

Hayley Sharp

2023-24 Diary Dates

Term 2

  • Friday 15th DecemberYear 6 Christmas wreath-making workshop
  • Friday 15th December – End of Term 2

Term 3

  • Tuesday 2nd January – INSET Day for Staff
  • Wednesday 3rd JanuaryStart of Term 3 for children
  • Monday 8th to Friday 12th January – Year 6 Bikeability
  • Friday 9th February, 9am – Year 4 Class Assembly
  • Friday 9th February – End of Term 3 for children

Term 4

  • Monday 19th February – Start of Term 4
  • Thursday 7th March – World Book Day, children are welcome to dress up as book characters
  • Friday 8th March – Fabulous Females Afternoon, drop in between 2:00pm and 3:00pm
  • Monday 11th March – Class Photos
  • Tuesday 26th March – Parent Consultation Meetings, 3:30pm to 5:30pm
  • Wednesday 27th March – Parent Consultation Meetings, 3:30pm to 5:30pm
  • Thursday 28th March – End of Term 4

Term 5

  • Monday 15th April – Start of Term 5 for children
  • Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday, school closed
  • Monday 13th May – Year 6 SATs week
  • Friday 24th May – End of Term 5

Term 6

  • Monday 3rd June – Start of Term 6
  • Friday 14th June – Marvellous Males Afternoon, drop-in between 2:00pm and 3:00pm
  • Monday 17th to Friday 21st June – Year 6 Residential to PGL Windmill Hill
  • Wednesday 10th July – LAT Cricket Festival, selected KS2 children
  • Thursday 11th July – FoHPS Summer Disco, 3:30pm – 5:00pm
  • Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Production, 2pm and 5:30pm
  • Friday 19th July, 2pm – Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
  • Friday 19th July – End of Term 6