Parent Update – Friday 10th January 2025

Horsmonden Parent Update

Dear Parents 

Welcome back to school everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, which I know feels like a very long time ago now! It’s been lovely to see everyone back in school this week, and to welcome some new children in Years 4 and 5, as well as a new teacher in Year 5 – Miss Warwood. One of our key strengths is our amazing staff team, who are instrumental in helping new joiners settle in quickly and become part of our Horsmonden family. 

Online Safety

At Horsmonden, we are proud to be a digital school. All children in KS2 have their own Chromebook to use in lessons, and children in EYFS and KS1 have access to iPads or Chromebooks. I firmly believe that children need to be educated on how to use technology safely, appropriately and responsibly to prepare them for their digital futures. 

As we approach Safer Internet Day 2025, we are turning our thoughts towards online safety and how we can support families to keep their children safe online, including highlighting some of the potential dangers of children having access to online devices. 

Mr Fenton, as our Digital Lead, has designed an anonymous questionnaire for parents to complete to help us better understand your concerns and thoughts about keeping your children safe online. 

I am kindly requesting that parents complete the anonymous survey by following this link by Friday 17th January.  

Following this, Mr Fenton and I will compile your thoughts and address any concerns raised in the form of parent workshops where we can discuss these issues further. 

Thank you in advance for your time when completing the questionnaire, which shouldn’t take more than 5 mins to complete.  


As it’s the start of a new term, I am kindly asking that parents take a minute to be mindful of our uniform expectations, which can be found on our website here

In particular, I would like to draw your attention to the point that children should wear black shoes and not trainers, as well as all children being expected to wear a school tie. In addition, girls should wear tights or socks, rather than leggings underneath their skirts. If girls prefer, they can wear grey trousers instead of skirts in the winter months. 

Playtime Snacks

Children in EYFS and KS1 are provided with a fruit snack, as well as being entitled to free school meals at lunchtimes. Having said that, parents are welcome to provide children in these years with an additional fruit based morning snack and/or a packed lunch. 

Children in KS2 should bring in a morning snack that is separate from their packed lunch, if they bring one in. Morning snacks should be fruit based. Alternatively, children may bring in a cereal bar, providing it contains no nuts. Please remember we are a nut free school, as there are children who attend Horsmonden with severe nut allergies. 

From Monday, children who take sandwiches/crisps out of their lunchbox to eat at playtimes will be politely asked to put them back to eat at lunchtime.

I am kindly asking for your support with this by only providing fruit and/or cereal bars for children to eat at playtime. Thank you  


The latest playground improvement project that FoHPS have been busy organising is now complete! The artificial grass area was in desperate need of refurbishment to ensure it remains safe and is enjoyed for years to come. The artificial grass has been completely replaced and is now safely secured down and looks fresh and inviting. The tyre wall, which was becoming increasingly unsafe, has been removed and replaced with a graduated bank providing easy access to the slide. 

Thank you to everyone who has contributed towards FoHPS events over the last 12 months – we could not have made these improvements without your help! For the latest winter newsletter from FoHPS, please click here

As always, If you have any feedback, questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. You could catch me on the gate in the morning/afternoon, email, or make an appointment at the school office. 

Have a lovely weekend!

Kind regards

Hayley Sharp

2024-2025 Diary Dates

Term 3

  • Wednesday 15th January – Year 4 start swimming lessons
  • Thursday 16th – 21st January – Year 6 Bikeability
  • Tuesday 21st January Visit from Starfish Malawi
  • Tuesday 11th February – Safer Internet Day
  • Wednesday 12th February, 9am – Year 4 Class Assembly
  • Thursday 13th February – End of Term 3 for children
  • Thursday 13th February – FoHPS Non Uniform Day
  • Friday 14th February – INSET Day for Staff

Term 4

  • Monday 24th February – Start of Term 4
  • Friday 28th March – Fabulous Females Afternoon, drop in between 2:15pm to 3:00pm
  • Thursday 6th March – World Book Day
  • Monday 11th March – Class Photos
  • Wednesday 26th March – Parent Consultation Meetings, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
  • Thursday 27th March – Parent Consultation Meetings, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
  • Friday 4th April – FoHPS Easter Egg Hunt
  • Friday 4th April – End of Term 4

Term 5

  • Tuesday 22nd April – Start of Term 5 for children
  • Monday 5th May – Bank Holiday, school closed
  • Monday 12th May – Year 6 SATs Week
  • Friday 23rd May – End of Term 5

Term 6

  • Monday 2nd June – INSET Day for Staff
  • Tuesday 3rd June – Start of Term 6 for children
  • Friday 13th June – Marvellous Males Afternoon, drop in between 2:15pm to 3:00pm
  • Wednesday 16th July – Year 6 Production, 2pm and 5:00pm
  • Tuesday 22nd July, 2pm – Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
  • Tuesday 22nd July – End of Term 6