Dear Parents
Thank you to all the parents who completed our Online Safety Questionnaire recently. Ensuring children’s online safety is a shared responsibility. A key parental concern, highlighted by the survey, is access to tools for monitoring and restricting children’s online access. This will be the focus of the parent workshop that will be led by Mr Fenton on Thursday 27th February at 2:45pm.
KS2 Carol Service Feedback
The KS2 Carol Service at St Margaret’s Church before Christmas was a resounding success, with lots of positive feedback from parents, and children. Having said that, I do understand how difficult it was for working parents to transport their children to a rehearsal at the Church during the school day. This is why I would like to gather feedback on the event from those parents with children in KS2. I would be grateful if those parents could complete the survey here.
After School Club
For those of you who use the After School Club, you will already know that Mrs Tuck will be leaving her role as After School Club Assistant on Friday. She is retaining her role as Catering Assistant, so I am pleased to say we will all continue to see her each day serving meals at lunchtimes.
This creates a vacancy, perfect for someone who would like to gain experience of working in schools with a view to becoming a teacher/teaching assistant in the future. If you are interested in finding out more, please follow the link.
Dinner Selection Trial – Year 4
Further to information shared with Year 4 parents, we are trialling another feature of the MCAS app – Dinner Selection- which allows parents to select their child’s lunch in advance, rather than children choosing on the day.
Using this feature will reduce registration time in class and therefore increase teaching time. It will also support the catering team in reducing food wastage and ensure that meal selections can be met.
Parents will be able to book a meal from one week to one day beforehand but please note that it will not be possible to amend the choice, once made, so please discuss the choices with your child/children in advance.
At the moment, this option is only available to parents with children in Year 4, but I am hoping to be able to roll it out to everyone after half term.
Once again, I am kindly asking that parents take a minute to be mindful of our uniform expectations, which can be found on our website here.
In particular, I would like to draw your attention to the point that children should wear black shoes and not trainers, as well as all children being expected to wear a school tie. In addition, girls should wear black tights or grey socks, rather than leggings underneath their skirts. If girls prefer, they can wear grey trousers instead of skirts in the winter months.
If your child is unwell and unable to come into school, please contact the school office by phone each day they are absent.
As always, If you have any feedback, questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. You could catch me on the gate in the morning/afternoon, email, or make an appointment at the school office.
Kind regards,
Hayley Sharp
2024-2025 Diary Dates
Term 3
- Friday 7th February – Year 1 trip to Tunbridge Wells Fire Station
- Tuesday 11th February – Safer Internet Day
- Wednesday 12th February, 9am – Year 4 Class Assembly
- Thursday 13th February – End of Term 3 for children
- Thursday 13th February – FoHPS Non Uniform Day
- Friday 14th February – INSET Day for Staff
Term 4
- Monday 24th February – Start of Term 4
- Thursday 27th February, 2:45pm – Online Safety Workshop for Parents
- Friday 28th March – Fabulous Females Afternoon, drop in between 2:15pm to 3:00pm
- Thursday 6th March – World Book Day
- Tuesday 11th March – Class Photos
- Wednesday 26th March – Parent Consultation Meetings, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
- Thursday 27th March – Parent Consultation Meetings, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
- Friday 4th April – FoHPS Easter Egg Hunt
- Friday 4th April – End of Term 4
Term 5
- Tuesday 22nd April – Start of Term 5 for children
- Monday 5th May – Bank Holiday, school closed
- Monday 12th May – Year 6 SATs Week
- Friday 23rd May – End of Term 5
Term 6
- Monday 2nd June – INSET Day for Staff
- Tuesday 3rd June – Start of Term 6 for children
- Saturday 7th June – FoHPS Summer Fair
- Friday 13th June – Marvellous Males Afternoon, drop in between 2:15pm to 3:00pm
- Wednesday 16th July – Year 6 Production, 2pm and 5:00pm
- Tuesday 22nd July, 2pm – Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
- Tuesday 22nd July – End of Term 6