Dear Parents
Thank you to everyone who provided a harvest box this year. As you can see from the photos below, the boxes were carefully decorated and filled with lots of goodies to share with the elderly residents of Horsmonden village. Thank you for being so generous with your donations, they were gratefully received from the children during their harvest walk around the village earlier today. Any produce leftover will be donated to the Community Storehouse in Paddock Wood.

We are proud to work in partnership with the Community Storehouse, and if any of you are struggling financially, and feel you would benefit from a food voucher for the storehouse, please do let me know. Any personal, financial information shared with me, will of course, be kept in the strictest confidence.
FoHPS Scary Hair Day – Friday 18th October
The next FoHPS event is Crazy Hair Day on the last day of term – Friday 18th October. If your child wishes to take part, they can come to school with a crazy hairstyle for the day, in exchange for a £1 donation to be paid on MCAS. Please see the attached poster for some ideas.
FoHPS Fun Run
The first FoHPS Run Fun was a great success! Children enjoyed the afternoon, parents sponsored their children generously and the sun even made an appearance for the afternoon! The overall total raised from the event was an amazing £3,038, plus £474.25 gift aid! Thank you to everyone who contributed, below are the class totals:
- Year 3 – £665
- EYFS – £505
- Year 2 – £500
- Year 1 – £450
- Year 4 – £400
- Year 6 – £293
- Year 5 – £225
A special thank you goes to Charlotte Bellingham and Gemma O’Malley (Chairs of FoHPS) for creating, organising and running the event, along with the team of helpers on the day. Without this support, events of this nature are not possible.
Parent Consultations – Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th November, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
Parent Consultations will take place during our first week back after half term. Appointments will be 10 mins long and give parents the opportunity to discuss their child’s learning, progress and areas for development. You will also be able to look through their Maths, Skills and Inquiry books. Parents will be informed as to whether their child is working towards, at or above the level of attainment expected for their age. More information about how to book an appointment will follow next week.
As always, if you have any feedback, questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. You could catch me on the gate in the morning/afternoon, email, or make an appointment at the school office.
Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
Hayley Sharp
2024-2025 Diary Dates
Term 1
- Monday 14th to Wednesday 16th October – Year 5 Residential to Kingswood
- Monday 14th October – Year 4 trip to Temper Temper
- Friday 18th October, 9am – Year 5 Class Assembly
- Friday 18th October – FoHPS Scary Hair Day, End of Term 1
Term 2
- Monday 4th November – Start of Term 2
- Wednesday 6th November – Parent Consultation Meetings, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
- Thursday 7th November – Open Morning for Prospective Parents
- Thursday 7th November – Parent Consultation Meetings, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
- Monday 11th November, 10:50am – Remembrance Service
- Thursday 14th November, 3:20pm to 5pm – FoHPS Autumn Disco
- Monday 25th November – NHS Flu Immunisations
- Friday 6th December, 8:45 to 9:30am – Christmas Coffee Morning for Q and A with Leadership Team (Hayley Sharp and Sam Fenton)
- Friday 13th December – FoHPS Christmas Present Fair
- Tuesday 17th December, 5pm – KS2 Carol Service
- Wednesday 18th December, 2:15pm – EYFS Nativity
- Thursday 19th December, 2pm – KS1 Nativity (Year 1 and Year 2)
- Friday 20th December – End of Term 2
Term 3
- Monday 6th January – INSET Day for Staff
- Tuesday 7th January – Start of Term 3 for children
- Wednesday 12th February, 9am – Year 4 Class Assembly
- Thursday 13th February – End of Term 3 for children
- Friday 14th February – INSET Day for Staff
Term 4
- Monday 24th February – Start of Term 4
- Friday 28th March – Fabulous Females Afternoon, drop in between 2:15pm to 3:00pm
- Monday 11th March – Class Photos
- Wednesday 26th March – Parent Consultation Meetings, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
- Thursday 27th March – Parent Consultation Meetings, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
- Friday 4th April – End of Term 4
Term 5
- Tuesday 22nd April – Start of Term 5 for children
- Monday 5th May – Bank Holiday, school closed
- Monday 12th May – Year 6 SATs Week
- Friday 23rd May – End of Term 5
Term 6
- Monday 2nd June – INSET Day for Staff
- Tuesday 3rd June – Start of Term 6 for children
- Friday 13th June – Marvellous Males Afternoon, drop in between 2:15pm to 3:00pm
- Wednesday 16th July – Year 6 Production, 2pm and 5:00pm
- Tuesday 22nd July, 2pm – Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
- Tuesday 22nd July – End of Term 6